Accounting Solutions, Inc.(DBA-Page & Associates). She is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and has over 20 years of progressive experience in the accounting, consulting and tax profession. She started her career as a financial analyst with Prudential. In her role, she was responsible for preparing and presenting the company’s actual versus budget reports to executive management and providing explanations for variances and completing trend analysis.
After only one year in Financial Accounting & Reporting, Regina was selected to help launch and develop Prudential’s Atlanta based Internal Audit Staff. After leaving Prudential, Regina was hired by Georgia System Operations Corporation to lead the company-wide Internal Controls Audit Project. Prior to starting Tax & Accounting Solutions, Inc. (TASI) in December 2002, she was employed by Jefferson Wells International Firm to lead the Ontario Power Generation Audit in Toronto Canada.
In 2011 TASI was awarded its first audit project with the City of Atlanta’s Department of Aviation and is currently the primary auditor for the airport capital improvement projects and airport concessionaires.
Regina is an active member of the following organizations:
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Georgia Society of CPA’s
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, and
In addition, Regina currently serves on the Board of Directors for the following organizations/;
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Mecca Chapter
Development Authority of Fulton County
Terance Madden Foundation